Saturday, July 11, 2009

The last day(s).

hello dear family and friends! we are in States already sense 8th of July. yet the dinner went nice with our students at the pizza hut. the gave us gifts of thanksgiving and our friendships-camals and KZ chokolate. ammy. ;)after the din-din one of the students NASTYA invited us for a walk to let us see how her friends do the tricks on the walls and so on. we walked thought some part of the city for the last time. the next day in 6:30am is time to GO... ;(we got to airport and there the workers at the booths told us there aren't any tickets of ours. with a lil stress we had to miss our flite . it is ok. we just sat down waiting for BMI flite agent to call us to chage and get different tickets, back home. we praid to calm down and not to worry and while we were sitting i desided to finish my quit time from last night. I needed to read Philippians 4:6-7. after i read it, my mouth was opend and i showed it to Amanda also. the comfort of the words just covered us wholly, almost puted me to sleep and i cried from His amazing love and care for us that moment and in whole our trip and life. finally we find out the time and air way of our new flite, but it would be in hours and hours. so we calle back to mama L to pick us up. we spend that time at mama L's house said good bye once again then by the plan we came back here to home USA. hello!!! its life, that held in God's caring hands. the trip was lived thought as real ppl live life not performed, but experienced and lessons learned, things been done and more desired to be done. what ever happened, we give Glory to PAPA. thank you wholheartedly for the prayers and genuen supports. we survived on it and we all will trive it in JC. thank you and bless you and see you all later.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Time is running out

Well today we have our last English CLub :(
We have made great connections with the students and connected them with people here who can continue to talk with them and disciple them. Our time here is wrapping up, it all happened so fast!! But we will have a dinner on Monday night before we leave with our students to say good bye. We went bowling on Wednesday night which was really fun, to be out of the classroom and be able to just hang out-while speaking in English of course. We are prepareing to pack up and leave once again, which is sad but things will continue on and continue to grow after we leave. We did some serious shopping yesterday with Mama L and our other friend. We got some great stuff!
Thank you for all of your support, see you soon!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


We did lose the internet our apartment, so our updates have been lacking a little! We had a great weekend, Angela went to her teacher's ranch with some friends. I got to go to the church's bapstism at the lake. It was a great time of fellowship and celebration as we had our servic eon the beach and then had people baptised. Then we celbrated with food and swimming! It is strange to thing that this is our last week here, we have 3 more english clubs and hopefully and oppurtunity to go to a special needs orphanage. We miss and love you all!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Time is running out!

Well we are not longer sick so praise there! Our English clubs have almost doubled in size this week! We have been very busy and we only have a week left before we leave! :( We met with another full time missionary yesterday to talk about life and the dicision to be on the field full time. It has been a really good time of growth as we see all that goes on in the office here. Angela is heading to her friends "ranch" for the weekend, and I get to go to a local concert and see the church's baptism on Sunday. All is well here I hope everything is going well at home!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well yesterday it started out when Angela had a headache. Then last night she had a fever and I saw all of the food I had eaten for the day again. This morning it happened again. So I got some medicine for the stomach flu. But on an up note, our English clubs are really growing and we are getting more opportunities to share! So please "talk" for our health as it is taking a turn for the worse, and for the people who are in out club, and the ones who are going to come.
Miss you all!

Friday, June 19, 2009

New Girls

We just got back from our morning club and we really got to know the girls there. We are getting excited because they want to hangout with us outside of the club which will give us the sharing opportunity that we have been looking for. Yesterday I (Amanda) got to spend the day with Linda and her 2 year old granddaughter which was really fun and she wore me out! Angela and L, our roommate, went to a bbl-stdy and had most interesting card game that made us think about our lives today, for tomorrow and the big picture of life in whole and PAPA Himself. in addition to bbl-stdy we celebrated L's birthday. Keep "talking" for more opportunities to share.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Our first English clubs started today, it was a bit of a slow start but in total 3 people came and a few called to ask questions, so pray for these people that they will continue to come and we can build strong relationships with them. The clubs were great and we really got to know the people and our friendship will hopefully lead to opportunities to share the Gospel. We had a nice relaxing afternoon and got to rejuvenate ourselves for the night club, it is hard to lead a conversation for 2 hours! It is a great blessing though that one of our plans has actually gone through! I can definitely see now that patience and waiting are definitely important traits in the mission field, and just happen to be things that i am not exactly good at, funny how He does that.
Hope all is well at home!